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Sonnax Ford A4LD Up To 4.0L Large Boost Valve and Sleeve Automatic Transmission

OPT Product Code: SNX-56947-02K
Sonnax Ford A4LD Up To 4.0L Large Boost Valve and Sleeve Automatic Transmission

Product Details

Some typical complaints of vehicles with an A4LD transmission are low line pressure in forward or reverse, soft upshifts, delayed reverse and poor modulator control. These complaints can often be caused by a worn boost sleeve, which allows reverse and/or TV pressure to cross leak or exhaust. Sonnax offers four replacement boost valve kits consistent with the two OEM sizes. Sleeves are manufactured from aircraft-quality aluminum to resist wear. Valves have been hard-anodized for better wear resistance. Kits restore hydraulic integrity of the assembly. Kits 56947-02K (high ratio) and 56947-04K (low ratio) come with O-rings, while 56947-03K (high ratio) and 56947-05K (low ratio) are factory style, without O-rings.

Sonnax Ford A4LD Up To 4.0L Large Boost Valve and Sleeve Automatic Transmission

OPT Product Code: SNX-56947-02K

1 In Stock
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